Part of The Pile: Wearing to Build SolidarityCraft knowledge when taken outside a craft vs Art binary enables us to unpick objectsto see bodies and participate in constructing systems of empathy while expandinghistorical narratives. Within a collaborative project Máret Ánne Sara and matt lambert,explore how common ground is formed meeting as an indigenous and queer body andhow solidarity is built in collaborative making practices. Using the collaborative projectas an illustration lambert is interested in how the act of wearing extends or adds to amaking practice. Jewelry and craft have direct conversations with dress as objectsmade in these processes by “bodies” a non-neutral and political word that then maketheir way back to a/the/someone’s bod(y/ies) to be worn. This project explores thequestion of what it means to wear part of a political project and what is theresponsibility if any of a wearer?
Máret Ánne Sara is a Sámi artist based in Guovdageaidnu Norway. Her project Pileo´Sápmi which was presented at Documenta 14 initiates a conversation aroundindigenous rights and present-day colonialism using reindeer bone and bone porcelainas a reflection on Buffalo bone from North America being shipped to Europe for thesame processing. In short Pile ó Sápmi started out as a reaction to government forcedslaughter of the Sámi peoples’ reindeer in Finnmark, Norway. Sara approached mattlambert to turn unused components of the artistic project into wearable objects bothlarge and performative and limited art jewelry which represented the best of craft inNorway during Milan Design Week 2019 and affordable production jewelry for theNorwegian National Museum in Oslo. The project has most recently participated in aphotographic collaboration of Norwegian Fishermen wearing jewelry initiated byBenjamin Slotterøy in Sleneset Norway.matt lambert and Máret Ánne SaraKonstfack University of Arts, matt.lambert@konstfack.se14:30GMT / 15:30 in Sweden and Norway
Hosted online from Norway and US November 4-5, 2023. Presentation given 13:30-16:00 GMT November 4th.