This paper proposes a new materialist, that is a Deleuzian/Spinozist, approach to spectatorship of the moving image. Hereby cinematic spectatorship is thought as an assemblage that through, what Karen Barad calls an intra-action (2007) of the spectator and an audio-visual material produce what I call a moving-image-body. This functions as a productive entanglement of relations of intensities, relations that produce a composition of different agential capacities. This moves the conceptualization of the spectator and screen away from a classical dichotomous relation and into an immanently productive and multiple realm. Through a comparative discussion of a classical mockumentary such as This is Spial Tap (Rob Reiner, 1984) and what I call an affective mockumentary I'm Still Here (Affleck 2010) I will focus on what is made possible in their respective "increase or decrease of acting" (Deleuze 1988/1970, 49).