The Comet
2018 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis [Artistic work]
Abstract [sv]
Mitt examensarbete bestod av både en gestaltande och en skriftlig del. Mitt arbete handlade om att göra en animerad kortfilm. Under 10 veckor animerade jag en film som kom att heta The Comet. En film om längtan, saknad och känslan av ensamhet. Till detta skrev jag också en rapport där jag redogjorde min process, inspiration, referenser, resultat och tankar kring min utställning i samband med arbetet.
Abstract [en]
My degree project consisted of both a creative and a written part. My work was about making an animated short film. For 10 weeks, I animated a movie called The Comet. A film about longing, missing and the feeling of loneliness. In addition, I also wrote a report describing my process, inspiration, references, results and thoughts about my exhibition in connection with the work.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 11
Keywords [en]
illustration, animation, animated film, film, short film
Keywords [sv]
Illustration, animation, film, animerad film, kortfilm
National Category
Design Visual Arts Studies on Film
URN: urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-6352OAI:, id: diva2:1217221
Educational program
Graphic design & Illustration (Bachelor)
2018-05-23, Kobran konferenscenter, Telefonvägen 30, Hägersten, 10:20 (Swedish)
2018-06-132018-06-122018-06-13Bibliographically approved