An ecology of things/thinking is a textual work, a document of my thinking and the things Ihave created during my master studies in fine arts at Konstfack. As the title and word suggests‘ecology’, it is a material practice. I have called it a choreographic step entering thiseducation. With several motives and desires and with a ten-year background in dance andchoreography, the main thread has been to look into the object and installation work I havebeen doing. in which objects, clothes and larger sculptures have been ways for me tounderstand choreography not only entangled in dance but in everything. Concepts/words likehospitality, temporality and context are reoccurring topics of my inquiries, as I understand thehuman with great plastic qualities and potential. In my work I always need to consider thecontext, pre-conditions and conditions for a dance to emerge.I see the body as both reading and writing machine, we cannot only producetext, dance and objects, but we also read and write the movement in between things, the largerchoreography and the interwoven parts. Doing dance and choreography, my artistic practiceblends these notions in both making objects or exhibitions, dancing for others or myself,writing poetry and curating events. For my master studies I needed to leave the morespectacle-like parts of dance and performance out of my palette of expressions. I wanted to letthe objects and installation work have more agency, still working with choreography. Thesituation/context – Konstfack became my field of study and from where I could speak/createfrom.