Pale Nordic Architecture: Why are our walls so white?
2018 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis [Artistic work]
Abstract [en]
The aim was to investigate the perception of whiteness in Nordic architecture and analyse the reasonsbehind the pale colour scheme in a public space context. The word pale was used alongsidewith white, since it gave broader possibilities to ponder over the topic. The geographical researcharea was framed to cover Sweden and Finland, although the search for underlying reasons extendedbeyond the borders of the North. Architecture was viewed as an entity, including both exteriors andinteriors. The focus was on reasoning around the question “why” to arouse professional discourseabout the often-unquestioned topic. Analysing the background of a commonly acknowledged phenomenonstrives to make architects more conscious of the background of their aesthetics so thatfuture decisions can be based on a more complex set of knowledge rather than leaning on tradition.Because of the wide demarcation of the research question, the project started with self-formulatedhypothesis, after which they were thoroughly analysed. The formulated pre-assumptions were, thatthe Nordic paleness is, firstly, a consequence of misinterpreted past architecture. Moreover, naturalcircumstances of the North, the symbolism connected to white and the tradition of canonisingmodernism were established as hypothesis. Lastly, architect education, combined with the tendencyof prototyping with white materials were assumed to endorse the pale colour scheme. The misinterpretations’possible implication in the perception of whiteness was also examined as a part of the research.Justification for the hypothesis was found, although broad framing meant that the referencematerial was splintered. Personal reflection was used as a means for cohesion. The paper includes aconcise artistic element in the form of an introductory poem to each chapter.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 38
Keywords [en]
Nordic architecture, interior architecture, white, colour scheme
National Category
URN: urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-6250OAI:, id: diva2:1209880
External cooperation
Aalto university
Educational program
Interior Architecture & Furniture Design (Bachelor)
Batchelor's thesis for Aalto university2018-05-242018-05-242018-05-24Bibliographically approved