Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 80 credits / 120 HE credits
The door is a critical element when aiming to construct a boundary that
separates space and can make us view the world as divided.
The door has the ability to connect and divide spaces. When we open a door we fold one room into another.
I have investigated the door, as an object, a boarder and idea.
What defines something as closed or open? How long does it take to walk through a door? What happens to the door when I remove the walls around it?
In Fractions of an entrance I have used movement and the memory of movement to investigate the door. I investigate the door by
moving through, filming both me and the door, sketching and building the sequence into frozen frames. Through my investigation, the door has become a passage of doors that unfold movement and time.
The door works as an director, choreographing human movement, deciding how, if and when we enter a space. I have used movement as a
method because I believe that it is through movement that we perceive space, we constantly move and experience space from multiple
perspectives. I find it strange that the most common way to represent architecture is from a perspective that humans almost never see.
Fraction of an entrance is a representation of my perception of the opening of a door, it is not a new door or a door with a new function. It is a
representation based on reflections and investigations of the door. The result is in itself a spacial design, with new spacial qualities.
That enhances invisible separations in space, create different patterns of movement an usage of space, creates smaller nooks to pause and gives you a possibility to remain in the moment between two rooms. A space in the threshold.
One can say that it is a physical stop motion, frozen frames where the order and pace of the opening is determined by the one who moves through it. In this installation time is frozen, you can see both present, past and future at the same time.
In Fractions of an entrance - the door’s memory has been made to a physical construction.
2017. , p. 32