The middle is a daunting place. If you get stuck there you get stuck. But when Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari describes the rhizome they mention that there is no beginning and no end, just something in between. And there in the middle stuff comes alive. Constantly changing and moving. It’s here, it’s there, goes in and out. Stuff co-exists and get entangled. It is a world of becoming. Looking for where it matters I looked down and saw a pair of molded plastic slippers and knitted woolen socks. My feet became the surface where two worlds seemed to appear. The global and the local. The mass produced and the home-made. Then they were gone. Just a pair of feet with socks and slippers. But these surfaces exist elsewhere too. Maybe we all walk around carrying parts of different worlds with us. For me it’s emotional. Being Sami and Swedish. So I picked up duodji, Sami craft, something I haven't worked with since I finished Samernas utbildningscentrum eight years ago. I felt other people saw it as only handicraft. And I thought it placed me in a certain position where I'm not comfortable. Half, semi, fraud, poser, con, etc. Never enough. Things are not that easy though. They are complex. In this essay I’m exploring this surface in between through the practice of craft and corpus. In a playful manner I’m investigating how the practices can become a tool to dissolve ideas, conventions, expectations and perceptions that limit our understanding of what things are becoming. I focus on the making and what happens when you as a maker goes with the materials and the objects that comes out of the practice.