My work explores the notion of lying, faking and deception as an activistic method for creation. I’m reconsidering the concept of the liar as a possibility to create a vision for the future and proactive ways of challenging everyday concepts of reality and truth. Having understood that it is time to create change instead of waiting for it to happen.
Undermining existing ways of doing and thinking will create the necessary ground for social change inventing forms of un-knowledge and new societal rules by challenging what we consider so far as reality.
Being aware that the concept of normality is holding us in captivity triggering our need for stability and making us function as productive citizens, different interventions and actions are giving an impulse to embrace uncertainty and question our everyday practice and rules we take as given. An experiment, a process of intervention and follow-up, will explore different methods and processes toward the co-struction of an open formula and platform for action. The goal is to activate creators, as individuals and collectives, to construct these new concepts of reality. Designed to instruct and inspire action, “The Fakery” manifests visions and alternative realities in order to bride the actual with the envisioned.
By lying and faking we are not simply waiting for the “right” day to come. We are the creators of our own rules, means and measures, driving real change to experiment and be proactive.
Questioning, disrupting and bending the given rules and norms of society as optional will empower and give tools to those who always wanted to do something - but never knew how to do it.