Antologi - Kvinnlig kropp i begränsat rum: Konstnärligt forskningsarbete
2013 (Svenska)Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt) [Forskning på konstnärlig grund]
Abstract [en]
The project ANTHOLOGY - FEMALE BODY IN LIMITED SPACE examines my own subjective experience of relationships between body and place and the possibility to artistically give form to these. The main focus in the project concerns the female body in limited spaces in exposed situations and how these situations influence self-esteem and identity.
The project starts of from post-colonial and feministic queer-theory and examines the possibility of subjective experience to shed light on normalizing and excluding norms. In the project I work with an artistic method where I use the experiences of the relationships between my own body and three specific places; my own artistic studio, a dance studio and a studio used for the research or perception of light and form. The experiences are given shape through text, photography, performance and video.
The project is published in the publication ANTHOLOGY - FEMALE BODY IN LIMITED SPACE and is available on the national research database DIVA.
Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
Stockholm: Asp Publishing , 2013. , s. 81
Nyckelord [en]
Performative text, personal experience, queer feministic architecture theory, scar and building, performance, anthology, mime.
Nyckelord [sv]
Performativ text, personlig upplevelse, queerfeministisk arkitekturteori, ärr och byggnad, performance, iscensättning, antologi, mim
Nationell ämneskategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:konstfack:diva-4201ISBN: 9789163733406 (tryckt)OAI:, id: diva2:663349
Konstnärliga forskningsprocesser2013-11-112013-11-112019-04-08Bibliografiskt granskad