A liberation process. A process of unlearning. A process of finding back. Back to the playfulness, joy and unconcern of a kid. The imagination and curiosity. Boundlessness. Finding back to these places where imagination and reality interfuse. Past, present and future intertwine. Dreams and memories seamlessly merge into one. Time ticks in a different way. Even fades away. Becomes unimportant. Trying to understand a language with help of another one. To understand the structure. The pattern. Transmitting and translating. Synchronising. Getting lost in between melodies. Feeling foreign. But finding home. Finding a way. Creating it. Constructing it. Like characters create a Word. Words construct a sentence. Sentences a text. Stories. Worlds. Worlds where everything can be anything. Where everybody can be anything. Everything is possible. Nothing confined. Limited. Worlds full of adventures and experiences. Every detail important. Care. Worlds where all the stress, pressure and request for efficiency and productiveness vanish. Where all the norms, demands and expectations disperse and give room for Wunder to unfold.